Colorado Destination Stewardship

Destination Stewardship Strategic Planning and Implementation for the state of Colorado and its eight travel regions

  • Client: Colorado Tourism Office, a division of the Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT)
  • Partners:
  • Project Duration: May 1, 2023 - July 31, 2025

Project Overview

Many of Colorado’s tourism destinations face critical challenges due to rising visitation and climate change, necessitating strategic action. An increase of tourists, while beneficial for the economy, can exert pressure on the environment, leading to habitat degradation, pollution, and resource depletion. Additionally, the influx of visitors in some areas is intensifying traffic congestion and affecting the overall quality of life for residents. Rising global temperatures are reducing Colorado’s snowpack, shortening the ski season, and impacting other forms of winter tourism and recreation. Recognizing these complexities, Solimar supported the CTO and its partners across the state to mitigate the negative impacts of tourism while continuing to strengthen the tourism economy. This plan serves as a roadmap for their collective destination stewardship efforts, guiding the tourism industry toward a sustainable future.

Project Activities and Results 

Over the course of a year, Solimar International worked with the Colorado Tourism Office (CTO) to develop a comprehensive Destination Stewardship Strategic Plan ( This collaborative effort brought together regional industry leaders, public and private partners, and residents to create a cohesive vision for sustainable tourism across Colorado that balances  resident and visitor satisfaction. The outcome included a statewide strategic plan and eight regional plans, developed through inclusive and participatory planning.

The planning process involved extensive stakeholder engagement, including surveys, interviews, and regional workshops. This gave residents and industry partners the opportunity to share their perspectives and shape the future of tourism in their communities. Key phases of the project included research, data analysis, and consultations, which led to the drafting of both statewide and regional stewardship plans.

The process culminated with the delivery of final plans, implementation strategies, and a process to monitor progress through key performance indicators (KPIs) in August 2024. These ten-year plans will foster sustainable tourism growth, promote public-private collaboration, and ensure long-term benefits for Colorado’s communities and environment.

After the launch of the strategic plan, Solimar has remained actively engaged in its implementation by fostering partnerships, highlighting success stories, and developing practical toolkits to support stakeholders. Additionally, Solimar is overseeing a research project aimed at measuring the impacts of destination stewardship, ensuring data-driven decision-making. The organization is also strengthening existing initiatives, such as the Care for Colorado Coalition and the Destination Stewardship Council, to enhance collaboration and long-term sustainability. As part of these efforts, Solimar will assist the Colorado Tourism Office in developing an annual Destination Stewardship Year in Review report, providing a comprehensive summary of implementation progress, key indicators, and measurable outcomes.

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“We rely confidently on Solimar's deep technical experience and professionalism as tourism consultants. You always are exceeding our expectations.”
Leila Calnan, Senior Manager, Tourism Services Cardno Emerging Markets

Contact us

  • Address

    641 S Street NW, Third Floor
    Washington, DC 20001
  • Phone

    (202) 518-6192